Friday, June 24, 2005

Spell Number to Word Indonesian Version

'* Spell Number to Word Indonesian Version
'* for VB language
'* Original Source Program by : Ady Suryanto
'* Midified by Agung Waspo Widodo
'* Created at June 22th 2005
'* This Function is Free
'* Please do not use for commercial
'* Modified :
'* - Check the decimal but not spell
Public Function TBilRupiah(strAngka As String) As String
Dim strJmlHuruf As String
Dim strPecahan As String
Dim Urai As String
Dim Bil1 As String
Dim strTot As String
Dim Bil2 As String
Dim intPecahan, i, Digitke As Integer

Dim adaDesimal As Boolean
Dim BacaAngka As String
Dim Desimalnya As String

Dim X, y, z As Integer

'--Cek Desimal dengan catatan bahwa regional sudah paten Indonesian bo.......
adaDesimal = False
For i = 1 To 16
If Mid(strAngka, i, 1) = "," Then
adaDesimal = True
digitke = Len(strAngka) - i
End If
'--end of Cek Desimal

If strAngka = "" Or Len(strAngka) > 16 Then Exit Function

'---Starting to separate desimal
If adaDesimal Then
Desimalnya = Right(strAngka, digitke)
BacaAngka = Mid(strAngka, 1, Len(strAngka) - (digitke + 1))
strAngka = BacaAngka
End If
'---end of Starting to separate desimal

strJmlHuruf = LTrim(strAngka)
intPecahan = Val(Right(Mid(strAngka, 16, 2), 2))
If (intPecahan = 0) Then
strPecahan = ""
strPecahan = LTrim(Str(intPecahan)) + "/100 "
End If
X = 0
y = 0
Urai = ""
While (X < Len(strJmlHuruf))
X = X + 1
strTot = Mid(strJmlHuruf, X, 1)
y = y + Val(strTot)
z = Len(strJmlHuruf) - X + 1
Select Case Val(strTot)
Case 1
If (z = 1 Or z = 7 Or z = 10 Or z = 13) Then
Bil1 = "Satu "
ElseIf (z = 4) Then
If (X = 1) Then
Bil1 = "Se"
Bil1 = "Satu "
End If
ElseIf (z = 2 Or z = 5 Or z = 8 Or z = 11 Or z = 14) Then
X = X + 1
strTot = Mid(strJmlHuruf, X, 1)
z = Len(strJmlHuruf) - X + 1
Bil2 = ""
Select Case Val(strTot)
Case 0
Bil1 = "Sepuluh "
Case 1
Bil1 = "Sebelas "
Case 2
Bil1 = "Dua Belas "
Case 3
Bil1 = "Tiga Belas "
Case 4
Bil1 = "Empat Belas "
Case 5
Bil1 = "Lima Belas "
Case 6
Bil1 = "Enam Belas "
Case 7
Bil1 = "Tujuh Belas "
Case 8
Bil1 = "Delapan Belas "
Case 9
Bil1 = "Sembilan Belas "
End Select

Bil1 = "Se"
End If
Case 2
Bil1 = "Dua "
Case 3
Bil1 = "Tiga "
Case 4
Bil1 = "Empat "
Case 5
Bil1 = "Lima "
Case 6
Bil1 = "Enam "
Case 7
Bil1 = "Tujuh "
Case 8
Bil1 = "Delapan "
Case 9
Bil1 = "Sembilan "
Case Else
Bil1 = ""
End Select
If (Val(strTot) > 0) Then
If (z = 2 Or z = 5 Or z = 8 Or z = 11 Or z = 14) Then
Bil2 = "Puluh "
ElseIf (z = 3 Or z = 6 Or z = 9 Or z = 12 Or z = 15) Then
Bil2 = "ratus "
Bil2 = ""
End If
Bil2 = ""
End If

If (y > 0) Then
Select Case z
Case 4
Bil2 = Bil2 + "Ribu "
y = 0
Case 7
Bil2 = Bil2 + "Juta "
y = 0
Case 10
Bil2 = Bil2 + "Milyar "
y = 0
Case 13
Bil2 = Bil2 + "Trilyun "
y = 0
End Select

End If

Urai = Urai + Bil1 + Bil2

Urai = Urai + strPecahan

TBilRupiah = "# " & Urai & "Rupiah #"

End Function

'* Spell Number to Word US English Version
'* for VB language
'* Original Source Program by : Ady Suryanto
'* Midified by Agung Waspo Widodo
'* Created at June 22th 2005
'* This Function is Free (anyone can modified)
'* Please do not use for commercial
'* Modified :
'* - Check the decimal and spell it

Public Function TbilDollar(strAngka As String) As String
Dim strJmlHuruf As String
Dim strPecahan As String
Dim Urai As String
Dim Bil1 As String
Dim strTot As String
Dim Bil2 As String
Dim intPecahan, i, Digitke As Integer

Dim adaDesimal As Boolean
Dim BacaAngka As String
Dim Desimalnya As String

Dim X, y, z As Integer

'--Cek Desimal bo.......
adaDesimal = False
For i = 1 To 16
If Mid(strAngka, i, 1) = "," Then
adaDesimal = True
digitke = Len(strAngka) - i
End If
'--end of Cek Desimal

If strAngka = "" Or Len(strAngka) > 16 Then Exit Function

'---Starting to separate desimal
If adaDesimal Then
Desimalnya = Right(strAngka, digitke)
BacaAngka = Mid(strAngka, 1, Len(strAngka) - (digitke + 1))
strAngka = BacaAngka
End If
'---end of Starting to separate desimal

strJmlHuruf = LTrim(strAngka)
intPecahan = Val(Right(Mid(strAngka, 16, 2), 2))
If (intPecahan = 0) Then
strPecahan = ""
strPecahan = LTrim(Str(intPecahan)) + "/100 "
End If
X = 0
y = 0
Urai = ""
While (X < Len(strJmlHuruf))
X = X + 1
strTot = Mid(strJmlHuruf, X, 1)
y = y + Val(strTot)
z = Len(strJmlHuruf) - X + 1

Select Case Val(strTot)
Case 1
If (z = 1 Or z = 7 Or z = 10 Or z = 13) Then
Bil1 = "One "
ElseIf (z = 4) Then
If (X = 1) Then
Bil1 = "One "
Bil1 = "One "
End If
ElseIf (z = 2 Or z = 5 Or z = 8 Or z = 11 Or z = 14) Then
X = X + 1
strTot = Mid(strJmlHuruf, X, 1)
z = Len(strJmlHuruf) - X + 1
Bil2 = ""
Select Case Val(strTot)
Case 0
Bil1 = "Ten "
Case 1
Bil1 = "Eleven "
Case 2
Bil1 = "Twelve "
Case 3
Bil1 = "Thirteen "
Case 4
Bil1 = "Fourteen "
Case 5
Bil1 = "Fifteen "
Case 6
Bil1 = "Sixteen "
Case 7
Bil1 = "Seventeen "
Case 8
Bil1 = "Eighteen "
Case 9
Bil1 = "Nineteen "
End Select
Bil1 = "One "
End If
Case 2
Bil1 = "Two "
Case 3
Bil1 = "Three "
Case 4
Bil1 = "Four "
Case 5
Bil1 = "Five "
Case 6
Bil1 = "Six "
Case 7
Bil1 = "Seven "
Case 8
Bil1 = "Eight "
Case 9
Bil1 = "Nine "
Case Else
Bil1 = ""
End Select
If (Val(strTot) > 0) Then
If (z = 2 Or z = 5 Or z = 8 Or z = 11 Or z = 14) Then
Select Case Val(strTot)
Case 2
Bil1 = "Twenty "
Case 3
Bil1 = "Thirty "
Case 4
Bil1 = "Fourty "
Case 5
Bil1 = "Fifty "
Case 6
Bil1 = "Sixty "
Case 7
Bil1 = "Seventy "
Case 8
Bil1 = "Eighty "
Case 9
Bil1 = "Ninety "
End Select
End If
If (z = 3 Or z = 6 Or z = 9 Or z = 12 Or z = 15) Then
Bil2 = "Hundred "
Bil2 = ""
End If
Bil2 = ""
End If

If (y > 0) Then
Select Case z
Case 4
Bil2 = Bil2 + "Thousand "
y = 0
Case 7
Bil2 = Bil2 + "Million "
y = 0
Case 10
Bil2 = Bil2 + "Billion "
y = 0
Case 13
Bil2 = Bil2 + "Trillion "
y = 0
End Select

End If

Urai = Urai + Bil1 + Bil2

Urai = Urai + strPecahan

'---ucap desimal
X = 0
y = 0
UraiDesimal = ""

If Len(Desimalnya) = 1 Then Desimalnya = Desimalnya + "0"
While (X < Len(Desimalnya))
X = X + 1
strTot = Mid(Desimalnya, X, 1)
y = y + Val(strTot)
z = Len(Desimalnya) - X + 1
Select Case Val(strTot)
Case 1
If (z = 1) Then
Bil1 = "One "
ElseIf (z = 4) Then
If (X = 1) Then
Bil1 = "One "
End If
ElseIf (z = 2) Then
X = X + 1
strTot = Mid(Desimalnya, X, 1)
z = Len(Desimalnya) - X + 1
Bil2 = ""
Select Case Val(strTot)
Case 0
Bil1 = "Ten "
Case 1
Bil1 = "Eleven "
Case 2
Bil1 = "Twelve "
Case 3
Bil1 = "Thirteen "
Case 4
Bil1 = "Fourteen "
Case 5
Bil1 = "Fifteen "
Case 6
Bil1 = "Sixteen "
Case 7
Bil1 = "Seventeen "
Case 8
Bil1 = "Eighteen "
Case 9
Bil1 = "Nineteen "
End Select
End If
Case 2
Bil1 = "Two "
Case 3
Bil1 = "Three "
Case 4
Bil1 = "Four "
Case 5
Bil1 = "Five "
Case 6
Bil1 = "Six "
Case 7
Bil1 = "Seven "
Case 8
Bil1 = "Eight "
Case 9
Bil1 = "Nine "
Case Else
Bil1 = ""
End Select
If (Val(strTot) > 0) Then
If (z = 2) Then
Select Case Val(strTot)
Case 2
Bil1 = "Twenty "
Case 3
Bil1 = "Thirty "
Case 4
Bil1 = "Fourty "
Case 5
Bil1 = "Fifty "
Case 6
Bil1 = "Sixty "
Case 7
Bil1 = "Seventy "
Case 8
Bil1 = "Eighty "
Case 9
Bil1 = "Ninety "
Case Else
Bil1 = ""
End Select
Bil2 = ""
End If
Bil2 = ""
End If

UraiDesimal = UraiDesimal + Bil1 + Bil2

'end of ucap desimal

If adaDesimal Then
TbilDollar = "# " & Urai & "US Dollar " + UraiDesimal + "Cent #"
TbilDollar = "# " & Urai & "US Dollar #"
End If

End Function